Today I’m going to tell you about Midnight Castle which is available worldwide today on Big Fish Games. Occasionally I get asked to review games-and that is usually a lot of fun. I often use games as a reward to myself for accomplishing a project or chore that I particularly dislike doing. I love board games, card games, computer games and video games.

We’ve seen performance become much less stable when using devices running Android 4.0 to 6.0, and would suggest not playing on these OS versions if possible.As there are many different types of Android devices of various power and configuration, game performance may vary, and we apologize if Midnight Castle does not communicate well with your particular device model.The closer your device can get to the most current OS (11.0) the better. We find that Midnight Castle is more likely to run smoothly on devices running Android OS 7.0 or higher.We’ve seen performance become much less stable on iOS 9 devices, and would not suggest playing on this version of iOS at this time.While the game may run on devices using older iOS versions (like iOS 10 or 11) we’d suggest using a device that is able to run at least iOS 12.0 for better game performance. We have found that most available iOS devices will run Midnight Castle smoothly.While we aren’t able to provide specific compatibility information for every type of device available, we hope these guidelines are helpful: Midnight Castle is available for play on iOS, Android, and Amazon (Kindle) mobile devices, as well as on PC via the Big Fish Games app (formerly the Game Manager).